Kurento Media Server Advanced Installation guide

Kurento Media Server Configuration

The main KMS configuration file is located in /etc/kurento/kurento.conf.json. After a fresh installation this file is the following:

  "mediaServer" : {
    "resources": {
    //  //Resources usage limit for raising an exception when an object creation is attempted
    //  "exceptionLimit": "0.8",
    //  // Resources usage limit for restarting the server when no objects are alive
    //  "killLimit": "0.7",
        // Garbage collector period in seconds
        "garbageCollectorPeriod": 240
    "net" : {
      "websocket": {
        "port": 8888,
        //"secure": {
        //  "port": 8433,
        //  "certificate": "defaultCertificate.pem",
        //  "password": ""
        //"registrar": {
        //  "address": "ws://localhost:9090",
        //  "localAddress": "localhost"
        "path": "kurento",
        "threads": 10

As of Kurento Media Server version 6, in addition to this general configuration file, the specific features of KMS are tuned as individual modules. Each of these modules has its own configuration file:

  • /etc/kurento/modules/kurento/MediaElement.conf.ini: Generic parameters for Media Elements.
  • /etc/kurento/modules/kurento/SdpEndpoint.conf.ini: Audio/video parameters for SdpEndpoints (i.e. WebRtcEndpoint and RtpEndpoint).
  • /etc/kurento/modules/kurento/WebRtcEndpoint.conf.ini: Specific parameters for WebRtcEndpoint.
  • /etc/kurento/modules/kurento/HttpEndpoint.conf.ini: Specific parameters for HttpEndpoint.

Verifying Kurento Media Server installation

Kurento Media Server Process

To verify that KMS is up and running use the command:

ps -ef | grep kurento-media-server

The output should include the kurento-media-server process:

nobody    1270     1  0 08:52 ?        00:01:00 /usr/bin/kurento-media-server

WebSocket Port

Unless configured otherwise, KMS will open the port 8888 to receive requests and send responses to/from by means of the Kurento Protocol. To verify if this port is listening execute the following command:

sudo netstat -putan | grep kurento

The output should be similar to the following:

tcp6    0    0 :::8888    :::*    LISTEN    1270/kurento-media-server

Kurento Media Server Log

Kurento Media Server logs file are stored in the folder /var/log/kurento-media-server/. The content of this folder is as follows:

  • media-server_<timestamp>.<log_number>.<kms_pid>.log: Current log for Kurento Media Server.
  • media-server_error.log: Third-party errors.
  • logs: Folder that contains the KMS rotated logs.

Each line in the Kurento Media Server logs has a fixed structure, as follows:

[timestamp] [pid] [memory]   [level] [component]    [filename:loc] [method] [message]

... where:

  • [timestamp] : Date and time of the logging trace (e.g. 2016-10-26 12:04:22,493295).
  • [pid] : Process identifier of kurento-media-sever (e.g. 17521).
  • [memory] : Memory address in which the kurento-media-sever component is running (e.g. 0x00007fd59f2a78c0).
  • [level] : Log level. This value typically will be info and debug. If unexpected error situation happens, the error level will contain information about the problem.
  • [component] : Kurento Media Server component name, for example KurentoModuleManager, KurentoLoadConfig, or KurentoMediaServer, among others.
  • [filename:loc] : Code source file name (e.g. main.cp) followed by the line of code (loc) number.
  • [method] : Name of the method of function in which the log trace is invoked (e.g. loadModule(), doGarbageCollection(), etc).
  • [message] : Specific log information.

For example, when KMS starts correctly, this trace is written in the log file:

[timestamp] [pid] [memory]  info KurentoMediaServer  main.cpp:256 main()  Mediaserver started