Class: WebRtcPeer


new WebRtcPeer(mode, localVideo, remoteVideo, videoStream, audioStream)

Wrapper object of an RTCPeerConnection. This object is aimed to simplify the development of WebRTC-based applications.
Name Type Description
mode String Mode in which the PeerConnection will be configured. Valid values are: 'recv', 'send', and 'sendRecv'
localVideo Video tag for the local stream
remoteVideo Video tag for the remote stream
videoStream MediaStream Stream to be used as primary source (typically video and audio, or only video if combined with audioStream) for localVideo and to be added as stream to the RTCPeerConnection
audioStream MediaStream Stream to be used as second source (typically for audio) for localVideo and to be added as stream to the RTCPeerConnection


addIceCandidate(iceCandidate, callback)

Callback function invoked when an ICE candidate is received. Developers are expected to invoke this function in order to complete the SDP negotiation.
Name Type Description
iceCandidate Literal object with the ICE candidate description
callback Called when the ICE candidate has been added.


This method frees the resources used by WebRtcPeer.

processAnswer(sdpAnswer, callback)

Callback function invoked when a SDP answer is received. Developers are expected to invoke this function in order to complete the SDP negotiation.
Name Type Description
sdpAnswer Description of sdpAnswer
callback Invoked after the SDP answer is processed, or there is an error.

processOffer(sdpOffer, callback)

Callback function invoked when a SDP offer is received. Developers are expected to invoke this function in order to complete the SDP negotiation.
Name Type Description
sdpOffer Description of sdpOffer
callback Called when the remote description has been set successfully.