Kurento Modules

Kurento is a pluggable framework. Each plugin in Kurento is called module. We classify Kurento modules into three groups, namely:

  • Main modules. Incorporated out of the box with Kurento Media Server

    • kms-core: Main components of Kurento Media Server.
    • kms-elements: Implementation of Kurento Media Elements (WebRtcEndpoint, PlayerEndpoint, and so on).
    • kms-filters: Implementation of Kurento Filters (FaceOverlayFilter, ZBarFilter, GStreamerFilter).
  • Built-in modules. Extra modules developed by the Kurento team to enhance the basic capabilities of Kurento Media Server. So far, there are four built-in modules, namely:

    • kms-pointerdetector: Filter that detects pointers in video streams based on color tracking. The command to install this module is:

      sudo apt-get install kms-pointerdetector-6.0
    • kms-chroma: Filter that makes transparent a color range in the top layer, revealing another image behind.

      sudo apt-get install kms-chroma-6.0
    • kms-crowddetector: Filter that detects people agglomeration in video streams.

      sudo apt-get install kms-crowddetector-6.0
    • kms-platedetector: Filter that detects vehicle plates in video streams.

      sudo apt-get install kms-platedetector-6.0


      Plate detector module is a prototype and its results is not always accurate. Consider this if you are planning to use this module in a production environment.

  • Custom modules. Extensions to Kurento Media Server which provides new media capabilities. If you are planning to develop your own custom module, please take a look to the following page:

The following picture shows an schematic view of the Kurento Media Server as described before:

Kurento modules architecture

Kurento modules architecture. Kurento Media Server can be extended with built-it modules (crowddetector, pointerdetector, chroma, platedetector) and also with other custom modules.

Taking into account the built-in modules, the Kurento toolbox is extended as follows:

Extended Kurento Toolbox

Extended Kurento Toolbox. The basic Kurento toolbox (left side of the picture) is extended with more computer vision and augmented reality filters (right side of the picture) provided by the built-in modules.

The remainder of this page is structured in four sections in which the built-in modules (kms-pointerdetector, kms-chroma, kms-crowddetector, kms-platedetector) are used to develop simple applications (tutorials) aimed to show how to use them.

Module Tutorial - Pointer Detector Filter

This web application consists on a WebRTC video communication in mirror (loopback) with a pointer tracking filter element.

Module Tutorial - Chroma Filter

This web application consists on a WebRTC video communication in mirror (loopback) with a chroma filter element.

Module Tutorial - Crowd Detector Filter

This web application consists on a WebRTC video communication in mirror (loopback) with a crowd detector filter. This filter detects people agglomeration in video streams.

Module Tutorial - Plate Detector Filter

This web application consists on a WebRTC video communication in mirror (loopback) with a plate detector filter element.