Working with nightly builds

Kurento is composed by several components. Each component is being developed with very different technologies.

  • Kurento Media Server: This is the core component of Kurento. It is implemented using C/C++ and GStreamer platform.
  • Kurento Java Client: This Kurento Client is implemented in Java with Maven and Sprint.
  • Kurento JavaScript Client: This Kurento Client is implemented in JavaScript with Node.js and NPM.

In this section, we will see how to use nightly compiled versions of Kurento code base. This is not the recommended way to use Kurento, but can be useful if you are testing brand new features.

We’ll also explain in detail how Kurento can be built from sources. This is a complex task because Kurento uses several technologies, although it can be very funny ;)

Using development versions

In this section we are going to explain how to use development versions of Kurento. We build every Kurento component at least once a day as we follow the Continuous Integration principles.

Some components are build nightly, with the code developed that day. Other components are created automatically when code is merged into source repository.

Using development versions is not the recommended way to use Kurento, but it can be useful to try brand new features.


You have to use this versions with caution, because them can be broken. Usually they have bugs and incomplete functionalities. Never use development versions in production.

Kurento Media Server

To install packages from development (unstable) repository you need to execute:

echo "deb trusty-dev kms6" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kurento-dev.list
wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install kurento-media-server-6.0
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

As you can imagine, it is not possible to have installed at the same time latest stable version and latest development version of Kurento Media Server.

In order to install older versions of Kurento Media Server, you need to configure the proper repository (trusty or xenial) in your apt sources:

deb[VERSION_TAG] trusty kms6
deb[VERSION_TAG] xenial kms6

... where [VERSION_TAG] is the version of Kurento Media Server to be installed (for instance, 6.4.0). After that you should install KMS as usual:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install kurento-media-server-6.0

Notice that an old version of KMS cannot live in the same machine that a stable/unstable release. Therefore, if you have KMS previously installed and you want to downgrade to a former release, first your need to purge your previous installation:

sudo apt-get remove kurento-media-server-6.0
sudo apt-get purge kurento-media-server-6.0
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Kurento Java Client

The development builds of Kurento Java Client Maven artifacts hosted in

To use development versions, first you have to add this repository in your Maven installation as a valid snapshot repository. To do this, add following configuration repository to the repositories section to file ~/.m2/settings.xml:

       <name>Kurento Snapshot Repository</name>
      <name>Kurento Snapshot Repository</name>

Then, you have to change the dependency in your application’s pom.xml to point to a development version. There is no way in Maven to use the latest development version of an artifact. You have to specify the concrete development version you want to depend on. To know what is the current Kurento Java Client development version, you can take a look to the internal Kurento Maven repository and search for the latest version. Then, you have to include in your application’s pom.xml the following dependency:


Kurento JavaScript Client

JavaScript is special because in some cases there is no need to build anything. JavaScript is a scripting language that can execute directly from sources. But in some cases, the code have to be “processed” to be used from client applications.

Node.js development

If you are using Kurento JavaScript Client from a Node.js application and want to use the latest development version of this library, you have to change the dependencies section in the application’s package.json. You have to point directly to the development repository, that is:

"dependencies": {
    "kurento-client": "Kurento/kurento-client-js#master"

Browser JavaScript development

If you are using Kurento JavaScript Client from a browser application with Bower and want to use the latest development version of this library, you have to change the dependencies section in the application’s bower.json. You have to point directly to the development bower repository, that is:

"dependencies": {
    "kurento-client": "master"
    "kurento-utils": "master"

Alternatively, if your browser application is pointing directly to JavaScript libraries from HTML resources, then, you have to change to development URLs:

<script type="text/javascript"