Class: RTCRTPStreamStats


new RTCRTPStreamStats()

Statistics for the RTP stream
Name Type Description
ssrc external:String The synchronized source SSRC
associateStatsId external:String The associateStatsId is used for looking up the corresponding (local/remote)
isRemote external:Boolean false indicates that the statistics are measured locally, while true indicates that the measurements were done at the remote endpoint and reported in an RTCP RR/XR.
mediaTrackId external:String Track identifier.
transportId external:String It is a unique identifier that is associated to the object that was inspected to produce the RTCTransportStats associated with this RTP stream.
codecId external:String The codec identifier
firCount external:int64 Count the total number of Full Intra Request (FIR) packets received by the sender. This metric is only valid for video and is sent by receiver.
pliCount external:int64 Count the total number of Packet Loss Indication (PLI) packets received by the sender and is sent by receiver.
nackCount external:int64 Count the total number of Negative ACKnowledgement (NACK) packets received by the sender and is sent by receiver.
sliCount external:int64 Count the total number of Slice Loss Indication (SLI) packets received by the sender. This metric is only valid for video and is sent by receiver.
remb external:int64 The Receiver Estimated Maximum Bitrate (REMB). This metric is only valid for
packetsLost external:int64 Total number of RTP packets lost for this SSRC.
fractionLost external:double The fraction packet loss reported for this SSRC.


  • module:core.RTCStats