Class: RTCTransportStats


new RTCTransportStats()

Statistics related to RTC data channels.
Name Type Description
bytesSent external:int64 Represents the total number of payload bytes sent on this PeerConnection, i.e., not including headers or padding.
bytesReceived external:int64 Represents the total number of bytes received on this PeerConnection, i.e., not including headers or padding.
rtcpTransportStatsId external:String If RTP and RTCP are not multiplexed, this is the id of the transport that gives stats for the RTCP component, and this record has only the RTP component stats.
activeConnection external:Boolean Set to true when transport is active.
selectedCandidatePairId external:String It is a unique identifier that is associated to the object that was inspected to produce the RTCIceCandidatePairStats associated with this transport.
localCertificateId external:String For components where DTLS is negotiated, give local certificate.
remoteCertificateId external:String For components where DTLS is negotiated, give remote certificate.


  • module:core.RTCStats